In the latest episode of "Crackin' Backs," we dive into the story of an extraordinary woman, Suzette Bravo, who faced life's darkest moments head-on and emerged stronger and wiser. Here are the top 5 things we learned from this electrifying encounter:
1. Become the Woman You Needed as a Girl
Growing up amidst adversity and childhood trauma, Suzette realized the importance of becoming the woman she needed as a girl. This phrase was born out of the realization that we often look outside for a role model when in reality, we have the power to be our own heroes. By embodying the qualities she sought as a young girl, Suzette has forged her path towards resilience, self-realization, and self-love.
2. The Male Influences in Her Life
Suzette bravely opened up about the men who have shaped her journey, from her father, grandfather to her ex-husband and boyfriends. Each relationship left an imprint, shaping her understanding of masculinity, femininity, and their interplay. It is from these experiences that she offers profound insight into the dynamics of gender and relationships.
3. Women, Emotional Trauma, and the 'Caregiver' Persona
Many women, positioned as caregivers in society, tend to bury their emotional traumas instead of confronting them. Suzette discusses how this suppression can impact women later in life. In her own journey, she discovered the importance of facing her pain and working through it, encouraging women to do the same.
4. The Masculine vs Feminine Energy Battle
The cultural narrative often emphasizes a battle between masculine and feminine energy. Suzette deftly unravels this topic, elucidating how these energies can coexist harmoniously within relationships rather than being seen as oppositional forces.
5. The Struggle to Accept Compliments
Suzette touched on the struggle many women face when accepting compliments, explaining that societal "background noise" can overshadow their self-worth. When a woman downplays a compliment about her appearance, Suzette suggests, it often reflects her own struggle to validate her worth internally.
Bonus: The Power of Finding Internal Validation
One of the most impactful insights from Suzette is her emphasis on self-validation. Instead of seeking approval from the external world, Suzette insists that the only validation we need comes from within ourselves. This internal validation, she argues, is key to overcoming societal pressures and fostering self-love.
As we look back at our captivating conversation with Suzette Bravo, her story of resilience and personal growth shines brightly. She leaves us with a powerful narrative of self-discovery, resilience, and empowerment, inspiring us to reframe our own life story. So, are you ready to uncover your own powerful secrets to resilience, self-realization, and self-love? Tune in to this episode of "Crackin' Backs" to embark on this transformational journey!